Theme (36th WRC)

End-of-Life Decisions : Faith-Based Perspectives

The 36th World Religions Conference was held on November 20, 2016 at the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. The theme chosen is "End-of-Life Decisions : Faith-Based Perspectives"

The theme of the conference this year is “End-of-Life Decisions: Faith-based perspectives”. With an increasingly­ aging population, members of our society are often faced with difficult decisions regarding end-of-life. With new legislation in place, decisions such as euthanasia, physician­ assisted suicide, treatment withdrawal raise complex questions. This year's theme aims to discuss the guidance various faiths and philosophies offer regarding end­of-life decisions. Our hope is that this mutual exploration will raise awareness of end-of-life challenges and encourage better understanding of the different perspectives, while paving the way to common approaches to address these challenges.


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