Message from Dignitaries (37th WRC)

37th World Religions Conference - Canada 150 Special Event

"My Faith and Canadian Values"

Greetings and messages from numerous leaders regarding the upcoming 37th World Religions Conference, scheduled for Nov 4, 2017 at the University of Waterloo.  

".... I am sure that the insights of today’s panel of speakers will prove informative and enlightening for everyone in attendance ....."

The Rt. Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P (Prime Minister of Canada)

Click here to see full message from the Prime Minister of Canada


".... We respect and cherish diversity, and see the universal values underlying the world’s great religions ......"

 The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, MPP (Premier of Ontario)

Click here to see full message from the Premier of Ontario


"....This long running conference in Waterloo celebrates diversity through religions and philosophies ......"

His Worship Dave Jaworsky, Mayor, City of Waterloo

Click here to see full message from the Mayor of Waterloo


".... In an increasingly complex world, my hope is that this conference serves as another means to find the ties that bring us together, rather than those that divide us ......"

His Worship Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor, City of Kitchener

Click here to see full message from the Mayor of Kitchener





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