Islamic Perspective (32nd WRC)

Idea of an Ideal Government

Islamic Perspective
by Mubarak Ahmad Nazir
Senior Vice President and Missionary Incharge
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada

Abstract of Theme Speech

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.

My brief presentation will not be based on my own philosophical thoughts but will be based on purely Islamic postulates and instructions as contained in the Revealed Book of the 1.6 billion Muslims, the Holy Qur'an.

I have seen and read about democracies – monarchies – dictatorships – feudalism – Marxism – Leninism and a host of others. They have all come and gone like the wind through the annals of time because none were able to fully understand or meet the human needs. Some favoured the wealthy and discriminated against the poor. Others declared a few as chosen ones and the rest as servants.

The failure of all these systems clearly proves that there are crucial ingredients missing from these various systems.

However, God's law is perfect and so no vested interests or unfair provisions exist. This is because God desires only for the good and betterment of His entire Creation. These two tenets act as the pillars through which the structure of any Government is held together; ignore any one of these tenets and sooner or later that system is bound to fail and that Government is destined for destruction.


The first and most important tenet is the election process. God states in the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 4, verse 59:

“Verily, Allah commands you to hand over the trust of governance only to those who are entitled to them.”

In this verse God tells us that when the election process takes place, we must handover the trust of governance to our representatives based on their personal qualities and characteristics. When we decide between representatives it should not be based on their political affiliations but rather on the bases of their righteousness.

In Chapter 5, Verse 3 the Qur'an states that when you take office then:

“Help one another in righteousness and piety; but help not one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah.”

In this verse God tells us that whichever policy will result in helping mankind should be adopted regardless of where it comes from and similarly each policy that will create disorder and chaos should be rejected regardless of who puts it forward. It is next to impossible to practice this Golden Qur'anic injunction in the current political system where one must support his/her party. This is why the Holy Qur'an instructs that when election takes place it must be based on the personal characteristics of an individual and their righteousness. Similarly when that individual takes office then he/she also must carry out their responsibilities with righteousness and fear of God.


The second tenet of an Ideal Government mentioned in the Holy Qur'an is Absolute Justice. One of the main principles of modern politics is that whenever the tribal, racial or national interests of a nation clash with the principles of JUSTICE then Justice must be thrown out of the window and national interests must be achieved regardless of the means. In other words you give priority to your National interests even if the Principals of Absolute Justice are torn to shreds! You will all bear with me that when the National interest of a Government clashes or is at variance to the Principle of Justice then who cares for what is JUST hence the saying “the end justifies the means”.

On the contrary God declares in the Holy Qur'an in Chapter 5, verse 9:

“O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people's enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.”

In this verse God commands the believers to always act with Absolute Justice. If we study the human history we will find that more often than not it was the lack of Absolute Justice that led to wars. The Holy Qur'an states that Absolute Justice must be carried out at all times regardless of political, financial or any other ties. That is why the Prophet of Islam (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) declared in his last sermon in Makah that all people are equal. He stated than an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab or vice versa, nor does a white hold any superiority over a black or a black over a white. Our ethnic backgrounds and colors of our skin are merely a source of an identity not a source of superiority.

In Chapter 4, Verse 136 God has given us the ultimate definition of Absolute Justice. He states:

“O ye who believe! Be strict in observing justice, and be witnesses for Allah, even though it be against yourselves or against parents and kindred. Whether he be rich or poor, Allah is more regardful of them both than you are. Therefore follow not low desires so that you may be able to act equitably. And if you conceal the truth or evade it, then remember that Allah is well aware of what you do.”

If we wish to establish an Ideal Government, than we must practice Absolute Justice as defined in the above quoted verses. We must protect the rights of each individual and each nation.

While talking about Absolute Justice I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about the present unrest in the Muslim world because of that filthy film against Islam and the Holy Prophet. Look at the height of double standards and the lack of Absolute Justice– when 1.6 billion Muslims protest against a priest burning copies of the Holy Qur'an or at the publication of caricatures against our noble Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) it is termed 'Freedom of Speech' but when someone questions the holocaust or the number of Jews killed this suddenly becomes a punishable crime. These are not the quadrants of an Ideal Government. These are not the standards of Absolute Justice. There must be a legislation that prohibits against the ridiculing of any Prophet of God or any Holy Scripture. Look! I am a Muslim. I love the Holy Prophet far more that my parents or even my own children. And this is true for all Muslims. Why poke fun and hurl abuses at my Master and then pour salt over my gaping wounds by saying that this is 'Freedom of Speech'!

If the crime of hurling abuse and ridicule against a noble Prophet of God was heinous let me also say that the reaction of many Muslim countries was equally atrocious and totally against the teachings and practices of the Holy Prophet (sa). How can a true Muslim condone the slaughter of its own citizens or the burning of its own property or the killing of an Ambassador? No wonder the Muslims are without a universal leader. It's like a ship without a rudder. The spiritual leader that was sent unto them was squarely rejected by then and now Alas the ensuing result of that rejection!

Having said all this someone, in fact everyone would ask: Are the Muslim states following these tenets of good governance as so clearly stipulated in the Holy Qur'an? The answer is a clear cut NO.

The fact is that they are corrupt – immoral – selfish – greedy and tyrannical. When one looks at the beautiful teachings of the Holy Qur'an as I have briefly enunciated and looks at the actions of many of our Muslim countries our heads bow down in frustration and embarrassment.

This is the reason that the revered Founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had prophesised that a time would come on the Muslims when they would be totally derailed from the tenets of Islam. Only the words of the Holy Qur'an would remain and the meaning and philosophy would be lost – their Mosques would be filled with worshipers but they would be devoid of Faith. Their scholars would be the worst creation under the canopy of the skies.

He said at that time, Allah would send the Messiah and Mahdi who would once again rejuvenate and revive the true teachings of Islam and fight this spiritual battle to re-establish Absolute Justice on Earth!

We are the followers of that Messiah and that Mahdi whose name is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He founded this community more than one hundred and twenty five years ago. Our weapons for this unique Jihad of establishing Absolute Justice are love and compassion and our slogan is:

“Love for All – Hatred for None”


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