Speaker Profiles (41st WRC)

Following is a line up of distinguished speakers and scholars chosen to represent different faiths & philosophies at the 41st World Religions Conference on Sunday, November 26, 2023

The theme for this year's event is "Healing a Polarized World". 



Mike Morrice (MP) - Kitchener

An impartial event host, Mike is the MP for Kitchener Centre. Spent his career bringing people together with a proven record of introducing ambitious ideas. Founder of Sustainable Waterloo Region, ClimateActionWR, and Canada’s first Green Economy Hub. Served on Kitchener Housing and the KW Awesome Foundation. Named Young Alumnus of the Year by Laurier, Young Entrepreneur of the Year, received a Special Citation for Social Entrepreneurship, and was named an Ashoka Fellow.


Representing Buddhism

Ven. Kalubowila Ananda – Cambridge

A profound thinker, transitioned from a successful career in chemical engineering and entrepreneurship to become a Buddhist monk in 2018. Venerable Ananda explored meditation and philosophy under the guidance of various Buddhist monks and Vedic scholars. Currently, he serves as a resident monk and a director at the Waterloo Wellington Buddhist Monastery, offering Buddhist discourse and meditation to promote mindfulness and spiritual growth.


Representing Islam

Imam Aizaz Khan – Vaughan

Prolific speaker and a learned scholar of Islam. Imam of Baitul Islam Mosque, one of the largest mosques in North America located in Vaughan. Aizaz is a graduate from the Institute of Islamic Studies Toronto. Serving as a Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at. Served in Benin (West Africa), Cayman Islands and at MTA International, the community's 24/7 Islamic TV channel. Frequently appears in interfaith discussion and events across Canada.


Representing Sikhism

Prof. Komal Kaur – Cambridge

Spiritually attuned and culturally curious explorer.  Prof. Kaur is committed to bridging cultures and communities through education. Currently a teacher at Conestoga College where she has made a significant impact supporting student learning and engagement of all religious and cultural backgrounds. Enjoys serving the local Sikh community, singing hymns from the Sikh Scriptures, volunteering at camps, and helping with food drives for those in need. 


Representing Judaism

Dr. Karen Mock - Toronto

Engaging speaker, Human Rights Consultant and educational psychologist, Karen was the Executive Director, Canadian Race Relations Foundation, and League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith. Widely published on multiculturalism, anti-racism, equity, and hate crime. Active with Canadian Assoc. of Jews and Muslims, Arab Jewish Dialogue, and Enhancing Social Justice Education Group. Chair of the Pearson Centre for Progressive Policy, and Member of the Order of Canada. 


Representing Christianity

Dr. John Milloy - Conestoga

Accomplished writer and scholar, John is the Director of the Centre for Public Ethics at Martin Luther University College. Former Ontario Cabinet Minister, and member of Prime Minister Chrétien’s Senior Staff. Graduate of Carleton, the London School of Economics and Oxford. A frequent commentator on Christianity and politics, particularly in our divided nation. His most recent book is ‘Politics and Faith in a Polarized World: A Challenge for Catholics.’ 


Representing Hinduism

Chander Khanna – Toronto

Scholar on Hinduism, Chander is the VP of the Hindu Institute of Learning. Serves on the Spiritual Committee of the Associations of Himalayan Yoga Meditation Societies. Convener of the Sanskrit Vidya Parishad Lectures. Founding member of the Toronto Local Societies Initiative under a Templeton Foundation Grant. Contributing Editor of the Interfaith Unity News. Given keynote addresses on Eastern Philosophical traditions and has participated in symposiums in several countries.


Representing Indigenous Faiths

Prof. Malcolm Saulis - Ottawa

A Well-famed Traditional Aboriginal Spiritual Teacher and Speaker. Malcolm is a Wolostoquk (Maliseet) person from the Tarique First Nation. He has been a Wilfrid Laurier professor for 35 years and a researcher in many areas of Indigenous interest. He is recognized as Circle Keeper and received teachings from many Elders. He has worked with churches and government around issues of healing and reconciliation, restorative justice, residential school survivors and indigenization.


Representing Humanism (Atheist & Agnostics)

Katherine Dimou - Waterloo

Dedicated to Humanist principles and social justice.  Katherine's work is reflected in her work as a licensed Humanist Officiant. Creating and officiating loving, meaningful, and respectful ceremonies for marriages, baby welcomings, and memorials, in her position as President of the Society of Freethinkers, and as a past Humanist Canada Board Director. Holds a MBA and is a skilled college instructor, teaching English, office administration, and customer relations. 

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