Greetings from Dignitaries (40th WRC)

A number of local, municipal, provincial and national leaders showed interest in the 40th World Religions Conference (theme: Combating Racism) and sent messages and greetings. Due to limitations of covid, only two leaders were in-person invited to attend the session. Numerous other sent video messages and greetings, and several other sent written messages of support for the event. 


"... There is no room for racism and hate in our country. It is up to all of us, all Canadians of all faiths and all beliefs, to come together to promote tolerance and understanding..."

Message from
Her Excellency Mary May Simons
The Governor General of Canada

See PDF of Message from the Governor General here


.. All Canadians need to stand up against racism, discrimination, and xenophobia, whenever, and wherever they occur. It is because of the hard work of organizations, like the WRC, that we will be able to build a fairer, more inclusive, and better Canada for everyone..."

Statement by
Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

See PDF of Message from Prime Minister here


The following two dignitaries graciously accepted the invitation and attended the opening session and brought greetings for the audience of the conference. 

1. Honourable Bardish Chagger Member of Parliament for the riding of Waterloo.


Bardish Chagger is a long time supporter of interfaith harmony and respect. She has attended the World Religions Conference numerous times in the past. She brought greetings on behalf of the Prime Minister of Canada and attended the opening ceremony of the 40th World Religions Conference in-person. 

2. Mike Morrice, Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre


Mike Morris was recently elected as the MP for Kitchener Centre. He has attended the World Religions Conference many times in the past. He attended the opening ceremony in-person and brought greetings at the 40th World Religions Conference. 


Video Messages and Greetings

The following leaders sent video messages and greetings for the 40th World Religions Conference:

1. Her Worship Mayor Kathryn McGarry of Cambridge. [View video here]

2. His Worship Mayor John Tory of Toronto. [View video here]

3. His Worship Mayor Patrick Brown of Brampton. [View video here]

4. Daisy Wai, Member of Provincial Parliament (Richmond Hill). [View video here]

5. Majid Jowhari, Member of Parliament (Richmond Hill). [View video here]

6. Sarah Shafiq, Director of Programming and Services, Coalition of Muslim Women KW. [View video here]

7. Garnett Genuis, Shadow Minister for Int'l Dev. and Human Rights (MP Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan). [View video here]

8. Honourable Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility (MPP Scarborough North). [View video here]

9. Honourable Parm Gill, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism (MPP Milton). [View video here]

10. Rob Oliphant MP Don Valley West. [View video here]

11. Arielle Kayabaga (MP-London West). [View video here]

12. David Pickles, Deputy Mayor of Pickering. [View video here]

13. His Worship Mayor Don Mitchell of the Town of Whitby, Ontario. [View video here]

14. His Worship Jim Diodati, Mayor of Niagara Falls, Ontario. [View video here]


Written Messages and Greetings

The following leaders sent written messages and greetings for the 40th World Religions Conference:

1. Billy Pang MPP for Markham-Unionville. [View written message here]

2. Catherine Fife, MPP for Waterloo. [View written message here]

3. His Worship Mayor rick Bonnette, Town of Halton Hills. [View written message here]

4. His Worship Mayor Jim Watson, Ottawa. [View written message here]














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