Message from Dignitaries (34th WRC)

34th World Religions Conference - Pathway to Peace

  • Greetings and messages from special dignitaries - President of the International Court of Justice, Prime Minister of Canada, Premier of Ontario



".....I would be most grateful if the World Religions Conference could further promote the peaceful settlement of disputes......"


President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

His Excellency Judge Peter Tomka

I am most pleased to send you a message of support and encouragement on the occasion of the 34th World Religions Conference, which will take place in Guelph, Ontario, Canada on 28 September 2014. What is more, the theme of the Conference is particularly rich one: 'Pathway to Peace'. As the President of the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, as institution dedicated to the pacific settlement of international disputes, the promotion of the international rule of law, and the maintenance of international peace and security, it is no secret that this theme is near and dear to my heart. I am particularly happy to know that it will feature prominetly in the upcoming Conference.

In many ways, therefore, this is not only a propitious event to reflect and meditate on contemporary challenges and future prospects in the fields of peacekeeping, peace-building and peacemaking, but also an apt moment to consider how the World Religions Conference can contribute to the advancement of pacific avenues and peaceful dialogue in our fast-evolving global community. I would be most grateful if the World Religions Conference could further promote the peaceful settlement of disputes, including through judicial proceedings, amoung its constituencies.

There is every indication that the 34th World Religions Conference will be a resounding success. The Conference theme will provide an ideal opportunity to reflect upon the many contributions that multi-faith coalition-building, understanding and intercultural sensitivity can provide in identifying peaceful resolutions to global crises and challenges; always in concert with multilateral institutional processes, pacific settlement of disputes, development of international legal rules, and so on. I have no doubt that this Conference will bring together an impressive roster of panelists, scholars, political leaders, members of the media, governmental representatives, all commonly invested in addressing present-day challenges posed by our interconnected and interdependent world.

Indeed, the Conference promises to further contribute to the ongoing dialogue over the role that multi-faith sensibilities can play in our shared conscience, with a view to identifying viable and peaceful avenues forward when addressing difficult questions and global challenges. I have no doubt that this event will generate thought-provoking and enriching exchanges among participants. After all, it is only by standing together, celebrating our differences of thought, religion and belief - but remaining resolutely united in our shared defense of the international rule of law, equality for all and peaceful resolution of any dispute - that we can truly make the world a better place. To my mind, that is the very spirit of your Conference, and you should be commended for that shared vision and progressive worldview.

Let me take this opportunity to extend my warmest salutations to all participants at the Conference. I wish the event organizers and interlocutors all the success they deserve so well, as they take part in what will undoubtedly be a productive and memorable World Religions Conference.


Peter Tomka

President International Court of Justice

Peace Palace, The Hague

United Nations

September 2014

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"....this event will continue to thrive as an inspiring gathering where ideas can flourish for the common good......"


The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada

I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to all those attending the 34th World Religions Conference, organized by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada.

This event brings together individuals from a wide range of religious beliefs and philosophical traditions to explore issues of shared concern. Members of faith communities have an integral part to play in promoting tolerance, openness, and understanding toward others. The fact that you have been assembling in a spirit of dialogue and congeniality for more than three decades speaks to your commitment to fostering mutual understanding, respect and acceptance and, thus, to making the world a better place.

I am certain that the theme of this year’s conference, “Pathway to Peace,” will stimulate a great deal of enlightening and thought‐provoking discussion, and that this event will continue to thrive as an inspiring gathering where ideas can flourish for the common good.

On behalf of the Government of Canada, I offer my best wishes for a most productive meeting.


The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.


[View Original Message in PDF | Click Here |



".....we can be inspired and enlightened by the wisdom of different religious and philosophical traditions....."


The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario

On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am honoured to extend warm greetings to all the delegates of the 34th World Religions

Our province takes pride in being a harmonious multicultural society. It is, therefore, honoured to host an event that promotes inter-faith dialogue and builds bridges between our diverse religious communities. This year’s theme, Pathway to Peace, is timely and relevant in light of the peace situation in some parts of the globe. Kahlil Gibran, the great philosopher and poet once said, “God made Truth with many doors to welcome every believer who knocks on them.” Every faith and creed offers a path to achieving compassion, mutual respect, and ultimately, world peace. This year’s conference is an opportunity for members of different faiths to gather together to explore these many paths.

I thank the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at for hosting this conference. And I commend all the delegates and speakers for sharing their knowledge. By engaging in meaningful and respectful discussions, we can be inspired and enlightened by the wisdom of different religious and philosophical traditions.

I offer my best wishes for another memorable and inspirational conference.


Kathleen Wynne

[View Original Message in PDF | Click Here |

Note: Numerous other dignitaries send written greetings and messages for the delegates on the conference as well.


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