Moderator (36th WRC)

Presided and Moderated by:

Jan d'Ailly


Multifarious and a prolific speaker. Jan d'Ailly is a well-known former City of Waterloo Councillor. He is widely known for his leadership and passion on the many boards and committees to build and encourage a vibrant, compassionate and inclusive community in the region. Born to Dutch parents, Jan d’Ailly has lived and worked in the USA, Mexico, Australia, South Africa and Taiwan. He has a successful business career, and is currently actively involved with a number of early stage start-ups in the Waterloo region.

Jan d'Ailly has graciously agreed to moderate the 36th World Religions Conference on the theme, "End-of-Life Decisions: Faith-Based Perspectives" scheduled for November 20, 2016 at 10:30 am at the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo.